Where the Dew Claw Dogs are~

I know I have not been blogging much. But I have a great reason! The Dew Claw Dogs and I are living on the Colony Glacier this summer. We are all working for the Knik River Lodge, at their glacier dog camp.  The team and I are having a blast giving visitors the chance to experience running a dog team. Glacier camps provide the unique opportunity to mush on snow all summer long. So instead of the heat and mosquitoes of Fairbanks we get to chill out in a beautiful, snow covered, mosquito free, dog camp.

Dog Yard on the Colony Glacier

Dog Yard on the Colony Glacier

I get to fly down for days off, shopping, and the much needed & well deserved occasional shower. That is the only time I can get online and make phone calls.  Yes the glacier is a cell and internet free zone. Of course I miss Dan and staying in touch with my friends, but it is worth it for me and the dogs to be working somewhere so beautiful this summer.

Beautiful day at Dog Camp

Beautiful day at Dog Camp

With 32 dogs and 2 mushers we would be classified as a smaller operation. Which, to be honest, I really prefer our smaller groups and relaxed format. There is time for plenty of photos during and after the ride. And the dogs are really enjoying all the attention they get from guests.

In a situation where you work day in and day out with the same person, who that person is really matters. I am working with musher Gus Gunther, which is great. We share the same commitment to dog care and work ethic. Not to mention his upbeat attitude and sense of humor. If you have to be stuck somewhere working under a variety of challenging conditions, may I suggest you find someone like Gus to work with.

Weather on the glacier can go from beyond beautiful to some of the nastiest wet weather Alaska can throw at you, all in a matter of moments.  But I have the gear to deal with it, and the arctic oven tent I live in has a small propane heater for warming up and drying out our gear. We have a large kitchen tent where we cook meals and hang out.  Surprisingly great meals, since Gus and I are pretending we are in our own cooking show. One where contestants try and make incredible gourmet meals in a beautiful remote location with limited resources and only using the ingredients on hand.

Hope to fly back up to camp today after a relaxing break on green ground. Weather willing that is.  And once I return to camp I may not be back for weeks. But don’t worry, the dogs and I are fine and doing what we love to do. And I want to leave you with some images of where we are. Words will never do justice to where I am living, and even photos pale in comparison. But short of having y’all fly up to visit me, this is the best I can do – Enjoy!

Clouds rolling in means no flights til conditions improve

Clouds rolling in means no flights til conditions improve

Kitchen tent and mail camp area

Kitchen tent and main camp area

My home on the glacier

My home on the glacier

A heater to keep me comfortable

A heater to keep me comfortable

Gear stays dry in totes under the cot

Gear stays dry in totes under the cot

The view from camp. The sleds mark our fixed wing landing strip.

The view from camp. The sleds mark our fixed wing landing strip

This is what I see every morning when I open my tent

This is what I see every morning when I open my tent

About Jodi

Jodi Bailey and Dan Kaduce live a life with dogs. They own Dew Claw Kennel a competitive long distance kennel where dogs come first. Jodi and Dan have each finished both the Yukon Quest and Iditarod 1000 mile sled dog races, in addition to many other races in Alaska. http://www.dewclawkennel.com/
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