More catching up to do.

So with the most important thing – giving thanks for all the support we are receiving, done I can now move on to sharing other news people missed cause I was out of touch~

I have joked before that at Dew Claw we do not celebrate holidays because it conflicts with mushing season. But really I am only half joking. Many a holiday rolls by unnoticed  around here, as we are working on getting the team ready for our races.  Winter really is crunch time for mushers, and if you are going to try and compete in one of the most difficult long distance events in the world**  you need to be ready to make that goal your primary commitment.  OK sometimes I do miss things like ‘girls nights out’ or going to the movies with friends.  But I have always asserted that when I want things like that more then I want to be on the trail with my dogs then I will make that choice, till then… Dogs First!
**It ranks in the Top 10 Toughest Races in the World as chosen by both National Geographic & Forbes**

Blueberry Birthday Cake!

Blueberry Birthday Cake!

Because of that, once again, Dan’s birthday in late November went by without notice.  But this year was a little different in that we actually did have a party for him.  Just not in Nov when we were in the middle of a series of planned training runs designed to up the dogs mileage.  Nope I had a surprise party for him in Jan, to coincide with a planned period of rest days for the dogs.   And since it was so far after his actual birthday he really was surprised!

Caribou Rib Roast

Caribou Rib Roast

It was a small affair, a dinner with friends. I made a standing rib roast of caribou, and our friend and excellent baker Erin made a decadent cake with blueberries we picked up the trail from the cabin.  And with the help of long time Dew Claw friend Joel Switzer I even managed to get Dan something he really really wanted.  A nice gun rack for the snowmachine.  Joel made sure we got the right kind for his machine and ran to town to get it, so Dan wouldn’t know.

Yes the Surprise birthday party was a total success!  Happy Birthday Dan, and you may be a year older, but with my January Birthday I am always ahead of you.  And yes, my birthday is coming up the end of the month. Don’t expect a party since I will be in Big Lake at the start of the Northern Lights 300.  Dogs First!

Facing my fears in order to be pain free~

The other big thing that happened lately was my brave venture to go see  Dr. Andrew Wappett DMD. No matter how brave Iditarod mushers seem we ALL have our fears. One of mine is dentists!!!  But this visit was inevitable. years ago I had this tooth worked on, and was given the warning, “you know someday this tooth may just crack, and then you will really have to do something”.  Well someday was last month, and I put off the ‘do something’ part as long as I could stand the discomfort.  But eventually the discomfort of constant dental pain overcame the fear of dentists, and in I (somewhat) bravely went. After x-rays and an exam it was clear that the only option was to have the tooth pulled.  And so it was.  Like so much of my life it was not quick or easy, but Dr Wappett did a great job of working with me and my fear.  Now a major problem has been dealt with, and I will not have to worry about things getting worse when I am on the trail.

Lets finish up today post on a fun note, Candy!  Even though I am sure it is not the most appropriate topic to follow up a dental post with, but hey. 



Every year at the ceremonial start of Iditarod in Anchorage the street are lined with cheering fans, many screaming “Booties!”
Yup, Booties!
Many mushers carry bags of booties to toss out to the fans along with route, and it is something that we at Dew Claw really enjoy doing.  Our Iditarider carries a bag in the sled and can throw them out as we travel along. This year our sponsors Halliburton and Usibelli Coal Mine gave us bags of candy to stuff in the booties for race fans.We are pretty  lucky to have the type of sponsors who enjoy getting into the spirit of the race as much as we do. The candy will add some much needed weight to give the booties a better trajectory, not to mention will be a nice additional gift to the lucky folks catching Dew Claw booties.

Hopefully that gets us all caught up, and in the next blog post we will be looking ahead to future plans!!!   Mush Thanks & Happy Trails~


About Jodi

Jodi Bailey and Dan Kaduce live a life with dogs. They own Dew Claw Kennel a competitive long distance kennel where dogs come first. Jodi and Dan have each finished both the Yukon Quest and Iditarod 1000 mile sled dog races, in addition to many other races in Alaska.
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