Circle and Central ~ the team is looking great!

Well hello my friends. I am sitting in the 101 checkpoint getting caught up on blogging while Dan gets a little nap. The dogs came into 101 looking strong and have already enjoyed a meal and some attention and are sleeping on straw. Dan had a smoking fast time running over Eagle summit, which he was very happy with. (check out the run times to 101 from Central)

So now is the perfect time to share with you some photos from the past few days while Dan and the kids are resting, hope you enjoy them.


First we have some images from the Circle checkpoint to give you a feel for the place. Followed by some photos of Dan and the team as they came in, snacked, and got bedded down.

Echo from the Quest PR team updating the Yukon Quest facebook page.

This year there was a professional chef cooking for mushers in Circle, mush thanks to Chef Michael.

Enormous amounts of coffee fuel the mushers, handlers & volunteers.

Abbie West getting ready to leave Circle, with partner  Jay Cadzow looking on.

Dan’s drop bags ready for his arrival.

Abbie putting booties on her dogs.

Checkpoint volunteer Kristen giving some love to the dropped dogs. Dropped dogs are cared for by vets and checkers until they can be returned to the teams handler.

Abbie hooking up her leaders to leave Circle.

The checker and race judge waiting for teams to come on under the Quest banner.

Quest champion Hans Gatt is handling for his partner Susie Rogan this year.

Jay Cadzow and Michelle Phillips part of the happy handler crew in Circle.

And now for some photos of Dan and the kids~

Dan pulled in literally seconds behind Susie Rogan.

The team looked happy and alert after the long run to Circle.

Carrot (left) and Orchid being cute.

Dan getting the team parked.

MK (left) and Lubbock relaxing.

Casper & Nash

BedBug & Sparrow

Wheel dogs Bedbug & Sparrow watch Dan opening his drop bags.

Snacking the wheel dogs.

Snacking MK and Lubbock.

MK resting after his meal.




Here is an excellent album from Central taken by Armchair Musher Sebastian Schnuelle.  It is mostly photos of Dan, with a few of Susie Rogan’s team and sled. As Dan and Susie were both in Central at the same time, parked next to each other in the dog yard. (All our dogs are sporting awesome red Manmat distance harnesses and collars. Her sled is the green Hans Gatt sled, and her dogs have yellow harnesses.)

About Jodi

Jodi Bailey and Dan Kaduce live a life with dogs. They own Dew Claw Kennel a competitive long distance kennel where dogs come first. Jodi and Dan have each finished both the Yukon Quest and Iditarod 1000 mile sled dog races, in addition to many other races in Alaska.
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