Meet the Mushers ~ Yukon Quest

A journey of 1000 miles may begin with one step, but it takes many more until you reach the end. For the Yukon Quest some of the first steps are a series of meeting: mushers meetings, handlers meetings, and tonight a chance for the public to come and meet the mushers before they head out on the trail.

I was there camera in hand to take some candid shots; which I wanted to share with all our friends who could not be there in person. It was also an excellent time for us to visit with all our Quest friends. We may be competitors once the races start, but in reality these are also some of my favorite people in the world. These are the people who best understand what our lives are like, because it is their lives too. We always have a lot of fun when we get together, laughing about the things mushers go through to get ready for and get to the start line of a bug event like the Yukon Quest.

Also got to catch up with friends on the Vet team. These vets volunteer each year to come along on the trail, enjoying the same cold temps, long drives, lack of sleep, and insane amounts of coffee as we do. And for the same reason: the love of the dogs. Over the years handling for Dan I have learned so much from them as we all sit together at checkpoints waiting for mushers to arrive. I am very thankful for the generous way they have shared their knowledge, time, and care. Then there are the many wonderful photographers and reporters who follow the Quest and bring the race to life for people following along at home.  And we can not forget the amazing Yukon Quest employees and volunteers who work their butts off all year to make this international event possible.

Last, but never least, the fans who cheer us on and support the sport of mushing, it is always wonderful to get to meet them and talk to them in person. Thanks to all who came out tonight.

So without further ado, my photos taken at the Yukon Quest – Meet the Mushers event.


Crispin Studer signing posters for fans.

Kelley Griffin, also hard at work signing posters. Mushers are lined up at tables around the room so fans can go through and meet everyone.

Ed Hopkins from Tagish, all smiles tonight.

Ed Hopkins and Lance Mackey talking with race official & Quest finisher Wayne Hall.

Dave Dalton talks with fans (right) and Cody Strathe (being a little goofy on the left).

Jake Berkowitz and Brent Sass share a laugh.

Looking down the table where mushers are lines up to sign posters.

Abbie West from Fairbanks sporting some beautiful wrist warmers.

Always love seeing Allen Moore’s smile.

Joel Switzer, the other half of the Dew Claw handler team, with volunteer Vet assistant Donna Russel Swope.

Wesley Schaefer who will be following Lance Mackey and blogging from the trail. Taking photos of photographers is something I have always enjoyed, like to put them on other side of the camera lens.

A similar shot of another of my favorite photographers, Scott Chesney.

Joel again, this time with KUAC reporter Emily Schwing.

Nicole Faille, who will be handling for Jjay Levy (far right) on the Quest 300, talks with Wayne Hall.

Ed Hopkins and Lance Mackey getting a little break from poster signing.

Tamra Reynolds will be running the Quest 300. They had the bib draw for the 300 at tonights event, and she drew bib number 1. Wishing her all the best.

Well I may not be winning any awards for photography; but I hope you enjoyed a little taste of what I saw at the Yukon Quest – Meet the Mushers.

Wishing all the mushers and dogs a wonderful adventure and safe travels on the trail.

About Jodi

Jodi Bailey and Dan Kaduce live a life with dogs. They own Dew Claw Kennel a competitive long distance kennel where dogs come first. Jodi and Dan have each finished both the Yukon Quest and Iditarod 1000 mile sled dog races, in addition to many other races in Alaska.
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3 Responses to Meet the Mushers ~ Yukon Quest

  1. Trudy says:

    Good to see Two Rivers mushers at the event. I’ll be cheering you on. Have an amazing race!

  2. Eric says:

    Thanks again for sharing all this Jodi. Can’t believe the YQ will already have started before i even will be on the plane. Looking forward to go on the trail with Helen and meet the mushers (or at least some of them) as from Circle 😉
    ….and hoping we find time to make a stop and visit our future champion Darla of course !!!

  3. David James says:

    A picture may say 1000 words, but so does your captions. Thank you so much for that! I personally really enjoyed it!

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